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Monday, October 18, 2010

Assignment 1, United States Presidential Election, 2000

Its very busy working in the white house when there is a new election, Bush vs Gore. I am very excited because I have just been told I will be counting the votes. I have been told to wait for the votes to be brought and so I wait here wondering if all the votes will get here. A few hours later they finally arrive. Making sure to count each vote carefully, I tally them on a note pad. Once I finally get to the last one I already know who won and I can hardly hold in my joy. Al gore has won by a land slide. I put all the votes back and hold on to them with my life for I don't want anything to go wrong and lose all the votes. I tell everyone who has won and they announce it right away. Its a good thing I was transported back in time and got to make sure the votes were right and Al gore is now president. Hopefully things will go better this time and he can help us contain our pollution. All of a sudden I get transported back to the present. The world is a different place you can see the stars at night, the air is clearer and there is no pollution of any kind. Finally we take care of the earth how we should have treated it all along and maybe even expanded the life line of our home... earth.

Extra note: George Bush rearranged is He Bugs Gore
                 Election Results rearranged is Lies Lets Recount

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