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Pun Picture
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Assignment 4, Villain.

My favourite villain is Hannibal from Hannibal arising and silence of the lambs. To me he the most evil, but he is a little crazy and has a cannibalism problem so explaining him wouldn't be good. The next villain would be Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. She is a Disney character yes, but she is way more evil then the others. Ursula from the Little Mermaid wants to take over the sea, Shan Yu from Mulan wants to take over china, Scar from the Lion King wants to take his brothers place and kills him to do it, but Maleficent doesn't have a reason to be evil. She gets mad at the kingdom because they didn't invite her to their party. She puts a spell on their new born child, Aurora, when she turns sixteen she will touch a spinning wheel and die. Wanting to kill someone because she wasn't invited to their celebration is just insane. Could you imagine having that happen? Now all the parents did was send their child into the forest and was raised by a bunch of fairies. Really, that was the best they could come up with. I guess searching for Maleficent doesn't come to their minds because I don't see that happen. Oh wait, finally at the end of the movie when Aurora is already sixteen and dead the prince finds Maleficent and kills her after she turns into a dragon because killing a dragon is so much easier than her human self. Maybe Maleficent isn't the real villain here. Maybe the people in the story are because they didn't seem to do anything but sit back and watch, oh wait sorry I have to remember this is a Disney movie. Anyway, back to Maleficent. She could have put a spell on Aurora because she wanted to be ruler of the kingdom, but she can turn herself into a dragon. If you can turn yourself into a dragon it would be so simple to take over a palace all you have to do is set everything and everyone on fire. Of course because it is a Disney movie everything turns out in the end and Aurora gets "prince charming", but really if maleficent was alive in the real world we would be following her rules by now. Then again, if we invited her to every ones celebration maybe she would just leave us alone and we would only have to deal with her on holidays.

Quote: "Now you shall deal with me dear prince, and all the powers of hell" Maleficent

Monday, October 18, 2010

Assignment 1, United States Presidential Election, 2000

Its very busy working in the white house when there is a new election, Bush vs Gore. I am very excited because I have just been told I will be counting the votes. I have been told to wait for the votes to be brought and so I wait here wondering if all the votes will get here. A few hours later they finally arrive. Making sure to count each vote carefully, I tally them on a note pad. Once I finally get to the last one I already know who won and I can hardly hold in my joy. Al gore has won by a land slide. I put all the votes back and hold on to them with my life for I don't want anything to go wrong and lose all the votes. I tell everyone who has won and they announce it right away. Its a good thing I was transported back in time and got to make sure the votes were right and Al gore is now president. Hopefully things will go better this time and he can help us contain our pollution. All of a sudden I get transported back to the present. The world is a different place you can see the stars at night, the air is clearer and there is no pollution of any kind. Finally we take care of the earth how we should have treated it all along and maybe even expanded the life line of our home... earth.

Extra note: George Bush rearranged is He Bugs Gore
                 Election Results rearranged is Lies Lets Recount

Assignment 3, Top 3 Puns.

My top 3 puns.

The first pun I like is, What did the grape say when it got stepped on. Nothing - but it let out a little whine. This is my favorite of the 3 puns because if a grape could talk it would let out a little whine but if you change the word to wine its just so much funnier. Grapes are made into wine, so the grape gave out a little wine when it got stepped on. This pun was rated 4 stars on the website but I think this one deserves a 5 star. Many People don't laugh at puns but this one I really do laugh out loud.

The second pun I like is, I hate the price of candy at the movie theater. They're always raisinette. This is one of my favorite puns because raisinette is a candy that not many people like but there using it as raising the price. See they hate the price of the candy because they hate it, or they hate the price because the theater is always raising it. This pun was rated 4 stars on the website. I find that people like this pun the best.

The third pun I like is, A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired. This is one of my favorite puns because a bicycle really can't stand on its own with only two tires but if bicycles could get tired then it wouldn't stand on its own if it was too tired. This pun was rated 4 stars on the website. Once I posted this on facebook, I got a few likes on this one. Not many people find puns funny or even like them but I love them, and these three that are shown are just a few of my favorites.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Assignment 2, I love to type!

I love to type.

Yes typing might not be weird but loving to type might be. Others type too its not something no one else does but not many type as much or like to type as much as me.

Typing is a way I spend my free time, and not many people understand why. In computer class, in middle school, I always had free time to play games but my game was all the right type. Once I came to high school I no longer had all the right type so I found a website for typing games. I love typing so much that when I type I can't look at my hands or else there would be errors everywhere, I don't know how people look at there hands while typing.

I enjoy typing, to many it might seem lame but I enjoy it so much that if I make an error a while back in my sentence, instead of using the arrow keys I back space and restart. I love to type so when ever I see someone who types with one or two fingers or not on the home row keys it drives me insane. Sometimes when my brother is typing I ask him if I can type for him because his way of typing drives me insane.

Typing is easy because if you make an error or type something and want to take it back you can just erase it but if you are talking to someone you can't do those things you can't say a sentence over and over until you say it how you want. Many might think that is weird but that is really the main reason why I like to type. If someone is talking to you, you usually have to reply but if someone is typing to you don't necessarily need to reply. That might seem mean or weird but that's the way my mind works.